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Studium im Shutdown – #WirStudierenZuHause

Die Welt steht still, aber das Semester läuft weiter. Studium im Shutdown – das war die Realität aller Studierenden. So wie der Alltag vieler Menschen sich innerhalb weniger Tage grundlegend verändert hat, so ist auch an den Hochschulen plötzlich alles anders gewesen. In der Podcastreihe wollen wir von Studierenden erfahren, was sich für sie verändert hat und wie Studieren in Zeiten des Corona-Shutdowns funktioniert. Was nervt, was sind Überlebensstrategien und vor allem – wie geht es den Studierenden dabei? Ein weiteres Ziel dabei: Erfahren, was Hochschulen besser machen könnten, was gut geklappt hat und was sie für die Zukunft daraus lernen können. Denn nach dem Shutdown wird sich auch die Hochschullehre verändert haben.

Seit März 2020

DHBW Karlsruhe

Prof. Dr. Ulf-Daniel

Leiter der Forschungsgruppe und Professur für Bildungsmanagement und Lebenslanges Lernen


Akademische Mitarbeiterin

Prof. Dr. Ulf-Daniel

Leiter der Forschungsgruppe und Professur für Bildungsmanagement und Lebenslanges Lernen


Akademische Mitarbeiterin

Projektbezogene Publikationen
01 Ehlers, U.-D., Eigbrecht, L. (2021): Rekonstruktion subjektiver Studienerfahrungen im ‹Shutdown› der Corona-Pandemie. Markus Deimann, Marios Karapanos, Klaus Rummler (Hrsg.). In: - Onlinezeitschrift für Theorie und Praxis der Medienbildung. 40. 2021. ONLINE ACCESS
CoVid19 und die digitale Hochschulbildung. Irritation. Einsichten und Programmatiken
02 Eigbrecht, L., Ehlers, U.-D. (2021): Alte neue Expert:innen für gute Lehre Das „Studium der Zukunft“ aus Studierendensicht. Dresden. GeNeMe 2021 Jahreskonferenz: Digitalisierung der Hochschule. ONLINE ACCESS
03 Ehlers, U.-D., Eigbrecht, L. (2021): Reconstructing Subjective Study Experiences During Shutdown in Pandemic times. Madrid. 30. EDEN Jahreskonferenz: Lessons from a pandemic for the future of education. ONLINE ACCESS
The article reports on a qualitative study based on interviews with students systematically conducted online since March 2020. A total of 13 individual and eleven group interviews on the personal study situation during the Corona shutdown have been conducted, analysed and evaluated. The students’ perspectives provide insights into how they subjectively reconstruct and classify the experiences they have made, what conclusions can be drawn from this for future higher education and how higher education institutions must evolve in order to support students in the best possible way. In addition to numerous challenges, the pandemic has brought forth the potential of students to shape and reflect on their learning processes in a self-determined and self-organised way and to contribute as experts to shaping the future of higher education.
04 Ehlers, U.-D., Eigbrecht, L. (2020): Students' Perspectives and strategies on studying at home in times of COVID-19. Learnings from Podcast Conversations and an Online Survey. Lisbon. 11th EDEN Research Workshop: Enhancing the Human Experience of Learning with Technology: New Challenges for Research in Digital, Open, Distance & Networked Education. ONLINE ACCESS
Since spring 2020, higher education institutions all over Europe and worldwide have had to quickly adapt to the new situation provoked by the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus. Most institutions have changed their study mode to pure online studies, with face-to-face studies in university buildings temporarily being abolished. Equally, other university facilities such as libraries had temporarily been closed, this meaning for most students that the major amount of study time was to be spent at their homes. In the dawn of a new academic year and with higher education institutions looking for new ways and strategies to cope with recent and future challenges, students’ experiences and their reflections on their last semester should be heard and considered when planning the next ones. Two interview series released as podcasts and an online survey have aimed at collecting students’ voices on their recent study experiences and their reflections on the future of higher education. Results indicate a high need of fostering self-organizational skills, an appreciation of a new flexibility brought about by digitization as well as concern for aspects such as social isolation and digital social presence.
05 Ehlers, U.-D., Eigbrecht, L. & Bonaudo, P. (2020): Vom Shutdown zum NextNormal – Podcasts zur Zukunft der Hochschulbildung aus Sicht von Studierenden. Unversity:Future Festival des Hochschulforum Digitalisierung: Learning, Systems and the New Normal. ONLINE ACCESS
06 Ehlers, U.-D., Eigbrecht, L. (2020): Students’ Perspectives on studying online in Times of Covid19 Learnings from Podcast conversations and an online survey. EDEN 2020 Annual Conference. ONLINE ACCESS
Since spring 2020, higher education institutions all over Europe and worldwide have had to quickly adapt to the new situation provoked by the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus. Most institutions have changed their study mode to pure online studies, with face-to-face studies in university buildings temporarily being abolished. Equally, other university facilities such as libraries had temporarily been closed, this meaning for most students that the major amount of study time was to be spent at their homes. In the dawn of a new academic year and with higher education institutions looking for new ways and strategies to cope with recent and future challenges, students’ experiences and their reflections on their last semester should be heard and considered when planning the next ones. Two interview series released as podcasts and an online survey have aimed at collecting students’ voices on their recent study experiences and their reflections on the future of higher education. Results indicate a high need of fostering self-organizational skills, an appreciation of a new flexibility brought about by digitization as well as concern for aspects such as social isolation and digital social presence.
07 Ehlers, U.-D., Eigbrecht, L. (2020): Vom Shutdown zum NextNormal Forschungsgruppe startet Podcastformate zur Zukunft der Hochschulbildung aus Sicht von Studierenden. In: DHBW – Partnerinformation. S. 19. ONLINE ACCESS
08 Fischer, A., Ehlers, U.-D. (2020): „Gigantisches Experiment“. Einblicke in Leben, Lernen und Lehre in Karlsruhe während der Corona-Krise. Podcast ergründet Umgang mit der Krise. In: DER SONNTAG. S. 3. ONLINE ACCESS
09 Eisinger, A., Ehlers, U.-D. (2021): Zoom ist kein Hygienekonzept – Thesen zum Studium der Zukunft aus Studierendensich. Baden TV (Hrsg.). In: Baden TV aktuell. ONLINE ACCESS
10 Pusch, S., Eigbrecht, L., Ehlers, U.-D. (2020): Studium im Shutdown – Der Podcast. #WirStudierenZuHause. ARD-alpha, Campus Magazin (Hrsg.). ONLINE ACCESS
Folge: Jung & kreativ: Games, Crowdfunding, Podcast und Startup
30 Minuten
11 Goetz, U., Ehlers, U.-D. (2020): Uni Karlsruhe: Podcast „Studium im Shutdown“. Deutschlandradio (Hrsg.). In: Länderreport Kultur. ONLINE ACCESS
5:09 Minuten
12 Goetz, U., Eigbrecht, L., Ehlers, U.-D. (2020): Neuer Podcast „Studium im Shutdown“ sammelt Erfahrungen für Forschungszwecke. Deutschlandradio (Hrsg.). In: Campus & Karriere. ONLINE ACCESS
Interview mit Ulf-Daniel Ehlers und Laura Eigbrecht
4:49 Minuten
13 Ehlers, U.-D., Eigbrecht, L. (2020): Studium im Shutdown – Der Podcast. #WirStudierenZuHause. In: Folgen 1 – 22. ONLINE ACCESS


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