Research series
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Curriculum and assessment (2022)

Learning & Teaching Paper #16

As part of the DIGI-HE project, which focuses on Supporting European universities in their strategic approaches to digital learning, a Thematic Peer Group „Curriculum and Assessment“ has been looking at how digitally enhanced learning and teaching (DELT) and digital technologies can be integrated into curricula. The group was organized within the framework of the DIGI-HE project and the EUA’s activities in the field of learning and teaching.

Guiding this process was also the question of how to design and manage coherent digital assessment so that institutions can reflect on the learning outcomes achieved and work on implementation.

This report examines the diverse aspects of curricula and student outcomes in a digital environment and relates them to the challenges facing higher education institutions across Europe. Challenges include achieving equal opportunities for all students, developing effective institutional strategies for embedding DELT into curricula, and also supporting educators in integrating digital methods into their curriculum.

This report also provides concrete recommendations for European institutions of higher education on how to deal with challenges, also taking into account the context of the pandemic.

Find out more about the DIGI-HE project here


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