Research series
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Developing a high performance digital education ecosystem (2021)

Institutional Self-Assessment Instruments

Digitally enhanced learning and teaching is widely used across the European Higher Education Area, with general acceptance growing over the years and institutions widely acknowledging the benefits it brings to the student experience.

The strategic focus being placed on digitally enhanced learning and teaching has increased, undoubtedly accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic, and is reflected in many national and European policies, with the renewed Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027) underlining “the development of a high-performing digital education ecosystem” as a strategic priority.

Set against this prerogative and growing strategic interest, this report presents a review of 20 instruments from around the globe designed for self-assessment of digitally enhanced learning and teaching at higher education institutions. It offers a number of insightful observations concerning their use (or non-use) by institutions for promoting both quality enhancement and digital capacity development. It should be of immediate interest to higher education institutions, but also to policy makers, developers of instruments, and generally, to all those who seek information on such instruments.

Find out more about the DIGI-HE project here



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