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DIRK Dual – Digitales Reflexionstool zur Kompetenzentwicklung im Dualen Studium

Cooperative (work-integrated) higher education offers students a high potential for sustainably developing (future) skills/competences through its different learning spaces in theoretical and practical phases, which can be further exploited by reflecting on and documenting the transfer of knowledge and experiences between the phases in a sustainable way.

The portfolio-based tool DIRK Dual expands the currently strongly activity-oriented practical reports by not only documenting experiences, but also reflecting on them in relation to one’s own professional competences as well as individual personality development. Throughout the cooperative study programme, students develop certain competences or future skills through this systematic reflection and self-assessment. Furthermore, theoretical and practical phases are systematically interlinked throughout the entire student lifecycle, which also benefits teachers and dual partners.

The Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University is testing the use of portfolio-based learning and reflection methods in the dual study programme and is developing the following results:  

  • An ePortfolio tool that stimulates and digitally supports the student reflection process throughout the entire student lifecycle.
  • A competence development concept that enables an evidence-based self-assessment of (future) skills for the entire dual study programme and combines it with mentoring, coaching and peer processes.
  • A learning concept/support concept that also assists instructors in practical phases, mentors and coaches in accompanying students in the development of such competences in the long term.


Time period
September 2021 - November 2024

Project coordinator
Prof. Dr. Ulf-Daniel Ehlers, DHBW Karlsruhe

Project partners
DHBW Heilbron

Core Development Partner
experimenta gGmbH
Adolf Würth GmbH & Co. KG

Cooperation partner
PerspektivenLABOR am House of Competence des Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Industrie- und Handelskammer Karlsruhe
Industrie- und Handelskammer Heilbronn-Franken
dm-drogerie markt GmbH + Co. KG

State research funding line for the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University 2020 ("DHBW-FFL 2020") of the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg

Funding amount
305.000,00€ total budget
202.500,00€ DHBW Karlsruhe

Project team

Prof. Dr. Ulf-Daniel

Director of the Researchgroup and Professorship for Educational Management and Lifelong Learning

Prof. Dr. Ulf-Daniel

Director of the Researchgroup and Professorship for Educational Management and Lifelong Learning

Related publications
01 Allmang, J. Ehlers, U.-D. (2024): Transformative Learning & Self-Efficacy in a world shaped by AI: Empowering students through Future Skills. In: Ubiquity Proceedings, 4(1): 30.. ONLINE ACCESS
Generative AI faces educational institutions in particular with an immense challenge and requires them to
prepare students for unknown contexts in order not to fall behind in the race against technological progress.
Teaching Future Skills as such competencies that prepare students for complex, emergent situations is a key to
achieving this. This paper shows a pedagogical teaching-learning concept to promote Future Skills in higher
education. With various learning materials students are supported in their personal skills development and are
also prepared for the demands of the future working world through evidence-based self- and external
assessments and situational and self-reflective learning. In addition to the pedagogical concept, quantitative
evaluation results of the workshop on which the concept is based are presented. The Workshop was trialed
with 1143 students and evaluated via questionnaire. The aim of the research design was to find out the
acceptance, the reaction and learning effectiveness of the Future Skills Learning design as well as the selfefficacy of the students.
02 Geier, N., Hafer, J., Köhnlein-Welte, A., Seibel, L., Watolla, A.-K., Ehlers, U.-D. (2023): Transformation der hochschulischen Prüfungspraxis – Einsatz von E-Portfolios als formatives Prüfungskonzept und Chancen für die Entwicklung von Zukunftskompetenzen. In: Blickpunkt Hochschuldidaktik. wbv Media.
03 Geier, N., Eigbrecht, L., Ehlers, U.-D. (2022): Enhancing Future Skills in Higher Education – a Toolbox. Mannheim. iMOBTS. ONLINE ACCESS
Participants are invited to an interactive symposium on FS-teaching and learning in practice-oriented higher education. Together, we want to explore the character of the FS concept as well as its relevance and integration opportunities in higher education – and what role the integration of theory and practice can play in this. In order to stimulate discussion, we will provide a first prototype of a FS learning toolbox. In groups, participants are encouraged to reflect on the provided materials and discuss how to use them to promote students’ FS learning as well as ideas for further development.
04 Geier, N., Ehlers, U.-D. (2022): Reflection of Experiential Learning in Dual Study Programmes - A Model. Tallinn. 31. EDEN Jahreskonferenz: Shaping the digital transformation of the education ecosystem in Europe.
05 Allmang, J., Dangel, L., Ehlers, U.-D. (2024): Auf dem Weg in die Arbeitswelt von morgen – ein Konzept zur Entwicklung von Future Skills über das gesamte duale Studium. In: Digitale Lehre an der DHBW. The New Normal? Schriftenreihe #Dual Band 7. pp. 221-236. ONLINE ACCESS
06 Eigbrecht, L. , Allmang, J. , Ehlers, U.-D. (2024): Brücken bauen für die Zukunft: Wie DIRK Dual Future Skills ins duale Studium integriert. In: Schlaglichter aus Hochschule, Schule und Weiterbildung. pp. 164-175. ONLINE ACCESS
07 Geier, N., Eigbrecht, L., Ehlers, U.-D., Winkler, K. (2022): Kompetenzlernen im Theorie-Praxis-Studium – Report 1 für das Projekt „DIRK Dual – Digitales Reflexionstool zur Kompetenzentwicklung im dualen Studium. KarlsruheONLINE ACCESS
08 Ehlers, U.-D., Geier, N., Eigbrecht, L. (2022): Changing Futures in Higher Education: Assessment of Future Skills Learning – Report 2 for the project „DIRK Dual – Digitales Reflexionstool zur Komeptenzentwicklung im dualen Studium“. KarlsruheONLINE ACCESS

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