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Fit4Dual – Ensuring the quality of studies and teaching

The "Fit4Dual" research project is developing and realising seven learning units on future skills in collaboration with the Christian-Albrechts-Universität (CAU) Kiel. The e-learning agencies dayoff and mindmee are designing the educational concepts and learning content. Each of the learning units was developed at university level and can be carried out independently. All learning modules also refer to the students' practical phase in order to minimise the additional learning effort and to dovetail the experiences of the practical phase even better with the theoretical study phase and to make the skills developed there visible.

The seven learning modules on Future Skills are available via Moodle DHBW-wide and as Open Educational Resources (OER) for other educational institutions. The interactive knowledge units consist of learning nuggets and experience-based tasks to promote skills development. Each module has a learning time of 4-6 hours and is completed with a badge.

The following self-study modules have been developed so far:

  • Ambiguity competence
  • KI-PromptingFuture and design competence
  • System competence
  • Self-competence
  • Cooperation competence
  • Communication competence

coming soon

März 2023 – Dezember 2023

DHBW Karlsruhe

Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel

"Sicherung der Qualität von Studium und Lehre"


Project team

Prof. Dr. Ulf-Daniel

Director of the Researchgroup and Professorship for Educational Management and Lifelong Learning

Prof. Dr. Ulf-Daniel

Director of the Researchgroup and Professorship for Educational Management and Lifelong Learning

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