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DIGI-HE Final Report

The future of digitally enhanced learning and teaching in European higher education institutions

DIGI HE is an Erasmus+ co-funded project (2020-2023) implemented in partnership between the European University Association (EUA), Dublin City University (DCU, Ireland), Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State Uaniversity (DHBW, Germany), Vytautas Magnus University (VMU, Lithuania) and a University of Jyväskylä (JYU, Finland). The project is designed to help universities develop and enhance their Digitally Enhanced Learning and Teaching (DELT) capabilities.

While DELT in higher education has increased over the past decade, it may not yet have led to strategic, mainstreamed institutional approaches. When the project was planned in 2018-2019, DELT seemed more like an extra or alternative than a core part of conventional teaching. Although the rising number of programmes and courses have now demonstrated its feasibility, the impact and benefits of flexible provision, student-centredness, social inclusion and access, quality, internationalisation etc. are hard to assess, and are yet transform higher education organisation and missions.

This report summarises the project outcomes, which are also available on the website. It also shares observations and reflections from this three-year journey.

Find out more about the DIGI-HE project here or on our project page


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